How to be prepared on the MTB trails
Credit Sunbird Photography | Rider Cody Sampson

Important phone numbers and apps
In an emergency call 000 - Please keep in mind there is limited phone service around Lawlers Creek and other areas of the trail network.
No service emergency number 112 (this number may also be patchy at times).
Emergency Plus App
Trailforks App
Serious Injuries
Before you call 000, use the Emergency Plus app or Trailforks, you must collate the necessary information from the people that are with the injured person.
Assess: Assess the injured person so you can relate the information to the operator. Get all information, eg. They may have broken their arm, but have they also hit their head? ALL information is important.
Where are you: You will be asked where you are. You are in the Narooma Mountain Bike Trail system in the Bodalla State Forest, Kianga.
Location: They will get your GPS location from your phone call. You need to say if you are with the injured person and if not, is the injured person is at the top, middle or bottom of the trails (approximately). Otherwise emergency services will send the ambulance to your GPS location and it may not be the quickest or correct route.
Emergency Point: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Look for the nearest EP number (Emergency Point) near the injured person. YOU MUST RELATE THIS NUMBER TO THE OPERATOR. You will need to say, "YOU MUST GIVE THIS NUMBER TO THE LOCAL AMBULANCE AS THEY HAVE A MAP WITH THESE EP POINTS."
These EP points will allow the ambulance to understand which roads/route they need to take to get to the EP point on the trail. Keep in mind the operators are not in our area most of the time. They will ask if the local station has maps and know the location. The Narooma, Bermagui and Moruya stations all know the trails and have the Emergency Point maps, along with the VRA and the RFS. Only Bermagui, RFS, Fire and Rescue and the VRA have 4wd vehicles.
Snake Bites
In case of snakebite immobilise the rider and call 000 – do not move!
Helicopter Pad
There is a helicopter pad, if required, located at the top of the Gravity Zone away from the trailhead 200m towards the east along Nobles Fire Trail and also one over near the Playground/Mitchells Ridge rd on Shuttle drop off road.
Local Hospitals
Moruya Hospital is approximately 25 minutes north from the main trailhead.
Bega Hospital (larger and more well equipped) is approximately 1 hour south from the main trailhead.
Narooma has a local Ambulance Station, Fire and Rescue, VRA and RFS crews.
In addition to asking for an Ambulance you can request any of these to attend.

Trailforks app
We recommending using the TrailForks app while on the trails.
Scan the QR code to connect to Trailforks.

Credit Trail Towns