CONDUCT & ride safety
How to be prepared on the MTB trails
Credit Sunbird Photography

Ride on open trails only
Trails may be closed periodically for various safety and / or maintenance reasons. Please obey all warning signs and Narooma Bike club volunteers.
Protect Yourself
Use an appropriate bike, helmet and protective equipment. Ensure all equipment is checked and safe to use before you ride.
Control your bike
Ride within your limits. You are responsible for inspecting trails, avoiding obstacles and other users.
Know your limits
Start slow and progress your skills before attempting more difficult trails. Understand the trail rating system and apply it to your own skill level and ability.
Inspect trails and features
A sighting run and inspection is recommended of each trail before attempting any features such as jumps or drops or obstacles. Inspect the trail, consider the conditions and your ability and ride accordingly.
Respect the trail and work of volunteers
Do not skid on trails or berms. Do not alter the trail or create shortcuts. Do not alter trail features. Do not make changes to advanced trails to make them easier.
Be visible
Never stop where you obstruct the trail, a trail feature, or where you cannot be seen by approaching riders.
Look out for others
Give way when entering, merging or crossing a trail or roadway. Be considerate when overtaking; slow down, alert other riders and give them time to react before passing.
Report safety concerns
Trail conditions change frequently. Please report any safety concerns or trail hazards to Narooma MTB Club via email, club Facebook page or via Trailforks app.

Mountain biking is a dangerous activity, and it is your responsibility for your own safety, please read and note the following information:
Emergency contact number
In the event of an accident or emergency, call 000.
Signage emergency numbering
Wayfinding signs are located at the start and end of each trail, and every 500m along longer trails. All signs have a unique number that identifies its location in the network. In an emergency, provide this number to emergency services so they can quickly and easily locate you.
The network trails travel through remote terrain. Be prepared, have a map and plan your trip. Carry tools, spares, mobile phone, food and water. If riding alone, let someone know where you intend to ride and when you plan to finish.
Mobile phone reception
Due to undulating terrain, mobile reception can be patchy, particularly at lower elevations, move to higher ground if signal unavailable. Don’t rely on reception being available at all times in all locations.
Trail hazards
The trails have many natural hazards and built trail features which can change over time or due to weather events. Trails and features should not be attempted without inspecting their condition first.
Bushfire hazard
In case of fire / smoke in the area, notify emergency services on 000, and proceed to the nearest accessible fire evacuation point located at the main trailhead, or at the Central and Upper Gravity zone drop off points.
Natural hazards
The weather can change quickly, be prepared and carry appropriate clothing for conditions. Animals such as snakes and ants are ever-present, be aware of surroundings and where you ride and stop to prevent injury.
Water crossings
Some bridges in the network are dual direction, be aware of other users and pass only where safe. Many dry creek crossings may have water flow following rain events, please use caution and only cross if safe to do so.
Before riding, ensure your bike is in good condition and suitable for the trails to be ridden. Always wear a helmet and appropriate safety wear.
Trail directions
Most trails in network are single direction only. Obey all ‘no entry’ signs. Be aware of trails signposted dual direction and ride these trails with caution at all times.
Most trails commence or finish on access roads or tracks within the forest and some cross them along the trail. Please use caution when crossing roads and be alert to other forest users.
Credit Eduardo Knoch